We Make It Happen

Branding is our job... and we take it seriously.

Who we are

We are Strategists, Writers, Designers, Creative Directors and Producers. 

We think about brands from every perspective - from domestic-culture to worldwide trends, and develop comprehensive brand campaigns to suit our clients' needs. 

We are innovative, dedicated and resourceful bottom-line thinkers and we pride ourselves in our ability to simply… make things happen for our clients. 

The XMG Vision

Our vision is to be a leading world-class brand, known for consistently and competently delivering the highest standards of services and products through creative insights, expert knowledge, innovation and precision. We are committed to providing the best value and client experience at the highest level, while playing an essential role as part of the core fabric of our clients' everyday business operations. 

The Team

Our team possesses years of combined on the ground experience in working with local and international government agencies, large corporations and SMEs – whether it be creative, tourism, lifestyle, corporate or industrial. We are ever learning and ever ready to put our practical knowledge and experiences on the ground to work for our select group of clients. 

Our Community Projects

We believe education is key to the future of any nation and that positive engagement and exposure will inspire new ideas, conversations and thought processes that will result in a better future for all. It is against this background, that the team at XMG Ltd. seeks to play it's role in supporting innovative initiatives geared towards stimulating positive engagement and exposure at all levels, especially in the areas of Education, Tourism, Technology and The Creative/Performing Arts. 

A few of these initiatives are highlighted below.

Tech Di Bus 2

Tech De Bus 2 is a mobile computer lab which was donated to the Ministry of Education by Program for the Advancement of Childhood Education (P.A.C.E.), Canada. The unit was out of use for approximately four years, due to significant repairs that were needed to be carried out and efforts were made by the Ministry of Education to ensure the unit was once again mobile.

One main problem they encountered was that the cooling unit was insufficient for the demands of the bus when the test run was carried out. Thanks to our client Mrs. Lisanne Chai-Hamilton, of The Stationery Centre Ltd. who agreed to partner with our Managing Director Mr. Andre Crooks, the air cooling unit was replaced and students from nine (9) Primary, Early Childhood and Special Education level schools were able to once again access the services of the bus.

Allman Town Primary School

Allman Town Primary School is nestled in the inner city of Central Kingston. With the motto “Excellence through Discipline,” there is a thrust to develop the total child through integration of academic disciplines, traditional and non-traditional extra-curricular activities. The school has received numerous awards for its achievements including the 2015 British Council’s International School’s Award, The 2012 inaugural Flow in My School Technology Competition and the 2015 Jamaican Annual LASCO Releaf Environmental Awareness Program Visual Arts Competition, with a computer game called 'Apple Eaters' which was based on the concept of healthy eating. The game was programmed and coded by the students themselves and was featured in local newspapers and television.

The school also started CSEC and remedial classes for unattached youth and those seeking additional help from the community, through the partnership of a community church with classes being held twice weekly and on weekends.  

The school operates an internet radio program aimed at building communication and research skills. The students are trained to be broadcasters, presenters, photographers, producers and assistant engineers for various events and presentations. They conduct interviews, showcase their audio/visual segments that range from sports commentary, a collection of short stories, research on nutrients found in foods grown in the school’s garden, science facts and commercials or music videos they create.

XMG Ltd. sponsored Kidz Hub Allman Town Primary Media Club has been in operation now for over five (5) years and is also open to children in the wider community allowing those interested to be gainfully engaged as well. The club has been invited to cover events such as the 2014 Jamaica Diaspora Conference in Montego Bay and has showcased best practices and innovations in education in a plenary at a conference hosted by the Jamaica Teachers Association in 2014 and by the Alumni of Central Connecticut State University in early 2015.

Additionally, they have covered numerous national and international events and made history for being the youngest set of media personnel accredited by the United States Embassy to cover the recent hosting of President Obama’s Youth Town Hall Meeting at the University of the West IndiesThey have also completed Cultural and Educational Exchange Tours of Toronto Canada in July-August 2015, 2016 & 2017.

Stakeholders are overjoyed to know that these are students from a school in the inner city, who often need assistance financially and otherwise, now having and owning a global voice. The Mission of the Allman Town Primary School is to provide: “A stimulating and child-friendly learning environment that caters to the holistic development of our students and all other stakeholders, empowering them to make positive contributions to the society, and to compete and/or lead in the dynamic global village”.                                                                                               

Xklusiv Media Group Limited is very proud to partner with Allman Town Primary to achieve this mission and we pledge our continued support to the school community and its projects.

The XMG Ltd. Award for Outstanding Performance in the Creative Arts

The Annual Xklusiv Media Group Limited Award for Outstanding Performance in the Creative Arts recognises one outstanding student each year who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and school spirit in the Creative and Performing Arts throughout their time at Allman Town Primary School. Upon graduating from the school, the selected student receives a trophy and a scholarship grant towards his/her uniform and school supplies and his/her name is etched on a plaque which remains with the school.

The winner of the inaugural XMG Ltd. Award for Outstanding Performance in the Creative Arts was Marvin Hawthorne, who graduated to Jamaica College. Marvin represented his school at the Robotics Championship as well as JCDC Festival. He is an avid deeJay, dancer and actor and also used these talents to help his school earn significant recognition and accolades in the field.

The XMG Ltd. team is very honored to present this annual award and we look forward to opening up the entries to more schools and expanding the number of recipients per year in the near future.